1.4 Released!!!!

Hello again everyone, Happy New Year! Im glad to say that breakbabl is back for the full release of 1.4! Its mostly qol and balance changes, but over the period of time it took me to make this update, there is alot of changes I may have forgetten about. Compared to 1.2 (which the web version has had for the past year or so), its ALOT more content to enjoy. Any feedback is greatly appreciated as always!

We aslo have a new Cover Image for the game! Its really just a trial at this moment, hopefully it helps this game stand out alot more.

Since I'm on break ill likely be able to pump out 1.5, but as always no promises being made. This game is mostly a side project now that I'm attending university unfortunately :(

See you next update hopefully!


BETA 1.4 PC.zip 29 MB
59 days ago

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